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Should You Turn Off Your AC When On Vacation?

| Semper Fi | ,

One of life’s biggest dilemmas: should you turn the AC off when going on vacation? If no one is going to be in the house, does it need to be cool? Whether it be a weekend trip to a bed and breakfast or a month-long family vacation, many homeowners grapple with the decision to either leave the air conditioning on while they are gone or turn it off to try and save energy.

Before making such a choice, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision. This article will go over points to consider when deciding whether to turn up the thermostat while you are away, as well as other things you can do to help lower your energy bill each month.

Is It Bad to Turn Off My AC While on Vacation?

While it may seem like a good idea at first, turning off your AC when you leave for vacation can cause more harm than good. Having no air circulation in your home for extended periods can cause humidity to build up in your home and cause problems throughout. 

If it’s really hot where you live, like the Arizona desert, temperatures in the summer can reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Letting the inside of your home reach those temperatures can begin to cause problems with your personal belongings and the structure of your home.

If you are going to be gone for a brief period of a couple of days, then it is best to leave your AC at the same temperature you normally leave it at. If you are going to be gone for longer than a few days, you can set your thermostat to around 85 degrees so it will still run and circulate air, just not as frequently. 

The Cons of Turning Off Your AC Before Vacation

  • Increased Humidity in Your Home: Without air circulation in your home, humidity can start to build up and lead to potential problems. An increase in moisture can cause problems such as mold and mildew growth on your furniture, walls, and even your personal belongings.
  • Pest Infestations: A temporarily unoccupied and warm house is the perfect invitation for unwanted pests, rodents, and insects. Keeping your AC running at a slightly lower temperature can help deter unwanted guests from making themselves at home. 
  • Potential Temperature Fluctuations: If you live in a hot climate, completely shutting off your AC leaves your home to the whims of the weather. Extreme heat in your home isn’t only uncomfortable to return to, but it can also pose health risks for pets and individuals with heat sensitivities. 

Why You Should Leave Your AC On While On Vacation

As previously mentioned, turning your AC off while you are away risks causing costly damage to your home. Increased humidity can lead to mold growth, and sweltering temperatures can put stress on your appliances, such as your refrigerator and freezer. These appliances have to work harder to keep your food cold, which can increase your energy bill.

Electronics such as your television and video game systems are also at risk of getting damaged due to high temperatures. In extremely high temperatures, it can lead to cracked screens, damaged motors, and even melted circuits. 

Special Cases

Weekend Trips

If you live in a moderate climate that doesn’t experience high humidity or temperatures, then you can turn off your air conditioning for short periods without risking damage to your home. Short weekend trips are not enough time to cause serious damage, so you can turn off your AC without having to worry. 

However, if you live in the deep south or the desert where you experience high humidity levels and temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it may be in your best interest to leave the AC on to help protect the inside of your home and your belongings. Keep your local climate in mind when deciding what you want to do with your thermostat while you are away.

Extended Stays

If your vacation is going to last for longer than a few days, then you can set your thermostat to a higher temperature than normal. The recommended range is anywhere between your normal temperature setting and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows your AC to still circulate air and keep your home temperature-controlled without using as much energy. Your AC will run less set at 80 than it will at 72, so it will use less energy while still keeping your home and belongings safe from potential damage. 

Other Ways to Save Energy While on Vacation


Although it’s not recommended to turn off your AC when you leave for vacation, we understand the reason behind homeowners doing so. You want to save money on your energy bill while you are away, and who doesn’t want to save a few bucks? However, there are other things you can do to help save energy while you are away that puts less stress on your home and comes with fewer risks.

Clean the Air Filters

One thing you can do to save money on your energy bills even when you are home is to clean out the air filters in your HVAC system. A dirty filter can decrease the efficiency of your air conditioning, causing it to have to work harder to circulate cool air throughout your home. 

Changing the filters before you leave on your trip can make sure that your AC is running smoothly and efficiently while you are away. 

Pull the Plug

Hold your horses, we don’t mean it like that! Think about how many things you have plugged in throughout your house. All of these electronics use energy even when they are not being actively used. Unplugging electronics such as televisions and light fixtures can decrease energy usage throughout your home while you are away and potentially save you money on your energy bill for the month.

Close the Blinds & Curtains

Not only will closed blinds improve privacy and prevent snoopy neighbors from looking in while you’re away, but they can also help regulate the temperature inside your home. During the summer, closing the blinds can block out the sun and help keep your home cooler, which in turn lessens the workload for your AC. 

In the winter, closing the curtains can help insulate your windows and keep your home warmer, which means your heat will have to run less to maintain a comfortable temperature. No matter the time of year, this simple habit can save you money on your energy bill while you are enjoying a trip with your friends and family. 

Lower the Temperature of Your Water Heater

A lot of water heaters have some sort of ‘vacation’ setting, which will lower the temperature that your water heater is maintaining. Your water heater will still run while you are away, but it will use less energy in the process. If you do this, be sure to turn this setting off when you get back and give your water heater time to heat back up to its regular temperature before you try using the hot water.

To Chill, or Not to Chill?


While it may seem like a good idea at first to turn off your AC before you leave for vacation, the potential savings on your energy bill are not worth the risk of serious damage to your home. A lack of air circulation and sweltering heat can lead to mold growth and damage to your electronics and other personal belongings. Safer ways to save energy include closing blinds and curtains as well as unplugging electronics before you leave for your family trip.

Need help with your home’s air conditioning system? Semper Fi Heating & Cooling is your team of HVAC experts located in the Metro Phoenix area. Your AC protects you from the desert sun, and we are here to make sure your system is working like a charm even when temperatures reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact us today to book an appointment or speak with one of our professional technicians. 

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