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The ROI of HVAC Maintenance: How It Adds Value to Your Property

TL;DR: Installing a new HVAC system can cost between $5,000 to $12,000, but it’s a valuable investment for homeowners. Regular maintenance, costing $75 to $200, offers significant returns in energy efficiency and property value. Energy-efficient systems with modern features like smart thermostats attract buyers and fetch higher prices. Compliance with regulations and green certifications adds to desirability. Keeping professional maintenance records and following practical tips maximize HVAC value. Regular check-ups, filter replacements, cleaning, and choosing upgrades tailored to your needs ensure optimal performance and longevity. Overall, investing in HVAC maintenance is crucial for preserving property value and ensuring comfort.


Installing a new HVAC system can be a significant investment and cost homeowners anywhere from $5,000 to $12,000, depending on the system’s size and complexity. Unsurprisingly, most new home buyers see great value in properties equipped with a functioning HVAC system.

However, the condition of the HVAC system is closely tied to your property’s overall value. When the HVAC system runs perfectly, it saves energy costs and makes the property more attractive to potential buyers who recognize its value. So, let’s closely examine the ROI of HVAC maintenance, how it adds value to your property, and how to keep your system in perfect shape.

Calculating the ROI of HVAC Maintenance

If you are trying to understand the return on investment (ROI) of HVAC maintenance, start by considering your initial maintenance expenses. These include regular check-ups, part replacements, and repairs to avoid other issues. That will cost you around $75 to $200. That price tag might seem like a lot at first, but you must weigh it against the savings on buffer repairs.

Savings come in several forms, notably through energy efficiency. When your system is well-maintained, it can run on less energy, meaning lower utility bills. Similarly, regular maintenance includes replacing all worn-out parts and extending the unit’s life. 

If you have an HVAC system running without issues, that can help you increase the value of your property if you ever decide to sell. Properties that have systems with environmental certifications can fetch a higher price. This increase in market appeal contributes positively to your ROI, making the investment in maintenance even more worthwhile.

Increased Property Value Through Energy Efficiency

Real estate buyers are more aware of the long-term benefits and savings of having energy-efficient features in your home. As a result, properties with modern HVAC systems often attract the attention of energy-conscious buyers. A recent study found homes with energy-efficient features sell more often and at a higher price point. 

Modern HVAC systems operate more efficiently, using less energy to heat and cool the home, translating into significant savings over time. For your HVAC to be energy efficient, it must have at least a SEER 14 rating. Modern systems use the latest technology to maintain optimal temperatures and use minimal electricity compared to outdated HVAC units. That can reduce your property’s carbon footprint, which will likely appeal to potential buyers.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Recently, Mesa, Arizona, has had issues with air quality, so you must ensure the air you breathe indoors is better quality. You can upgrade the HVAC system with high-efficiency air filters or add air purifiers to reduce the presence of pollutants and allergens. 

These pollutants are not just outdoor intruders like pollen and dust. They include indoor particles such as pet dander, household chemicals, and mold spores. Not having them in the air can help you be more healthy. 

Having your HVAC not contribute to low air quality can make your property more appealing and increase its value. Prospective buyers or tenants often look for homes that promise a healthy living space, and if their new home already has an air-purifying system, that is one less expense they have to worry about.

The Appeal of Smart HVAC Technology

Prospective homebuyers are looking for homes that are not only move-in ready but also equipped with modern conveniences that make life easier. Smart thermostats and HVAC systems offer them total control over the home’s temperature directly from their smartphone or voice-activated devices. They can even teach the system their preferences, and it can automatically adjust the settings for maximum comfort. 

Beyond comfort, these systems are also more energy-efficient, translating into potential savings on utility bills. They usually come with detailed usage reports, helping homeowners understand their energy consumption and identify further opportunities for savings.

Regulatory Compliance and HVAC Systems

You might already be aware that various regulations and standards dictate how HVAC systems should operate within homes. These rules cover everything from installation and maintenance to efficiency and emissions. Ensuring your HVAC system complies with these standards prevents potential fines and makes your home more attractive to future buyers. It’s a straightforward equation: compliance equals desirability.

Green certifications, such as Energy Star or LEED, are benchmarks of efficiency and sustainability for HVAC systems. Such certifications prove that your HVAC system effectively heats or cools your home with less energy, significantly reducing your home’s overall carbon emissions. That is a main selling point in today’s market, where energy efficiency and environmental responsibility are increasingly important to buyers.

Professional Maintenance Records as Proof of Care

When you sell your home, potential buyers want assurance they’re making a wise investment. Keep your maintenance records as proof that you’ve cared for the HVAC system, following regulatory standards and best practices for system upkeep. These records can show potential buyers that the HVAC system is in excellent condition and won’t need expensive repairs or replacements shortly after purchase.

Practical Tips for Maximizing HVAC Value

Your HVAC system can add the most sales value to your property if you inspect and maintain it regularly. Maintaining your HVAC system won’t be burdensome if you stick to a servicing schedule. Some of the things you can regularly do are:

  • Replace HVAC system filters every three months, but possibly more often if you have pets or live in a dusty area.
  • Keep the area around your outdoor units clear of debris and foliage. That allows your system to breathe easier, improving efficiency and prolonging its life.
  • The indoor unit can collect dust and other particles that affect air quality and system performance. Ensure the coils and blower components are clean, which will help your system operate more effectively.
  • Dust and debris can accumulate in your ducts over time, blocking airflow and forcing your system to work harder, which, in turn, can lead to increased energy costs and reduced system lifespan. Duct cleaning is something you should entrust to a professional, but still do often.
  • Regular professional check-ups by HVAC specialists at least once a year can help catch any potential issues before they become big problems, saving you money in the long run.

Tips on Choosing HVAC Upgrades

Energy-efficient HVAC models can be a more significant initial investment but often pay for themselves through lower utility bills. Smart thermostats are another excellent upgrade, allowing homeowners to control the heating and cooling remotely and set more efficient schedules. When selecting these upgrades, consider your home’s size, climate, and specific needs to ensure you’re making the most cost-effective decision.

Invest In HVAC Maintenance in Mesa, Arizona

Regular HVAC maintenance is a sound investment in your property’s value and your wallet. An efficient system will reduce energy costs, make your unit more long-lasting, and ensure high-level air quality. That highlights the undeniable impact that proper care and maintenance have on the value of your property.

There are more benefits than drawbacks to regular HVAC maintenance. Once you decide to ensure proper care for your HVAC system, hire the HVAC experts Semper Fi Heating & Cooling in Mesa, Arizona. Our regular maintenance service can keep your system in perfect condition for years.

We can help you with all your heating, cooling, or air quality needs. Don’t let your investment go down the drain – call us today and get your HVAC back in shape!



How often should I schedule HVAC maintenance?

It’s recommended to schedule HVAC maintenance at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling in Mesa, Arizona, offers professional maintenance services tailored to your system’s needs. Regular check-ups by our HVAC specialists can help detect and address any issues before they escalate, saving you money in the long run.

What are the benefits of upgrading to a smart thermostat?

Upgrading to a smart thermostat offers several benefits, including increased convenience, energy savings, and improved control over your HVAC system. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling provides expert guidance on choosing and installing smart thermostats that integrate seamlessly with your heating and cooling setup. With our help, you can enjoy enhanced comfort and efficiency in your home.

How can I improve indoor air quality in my home?

Improving indoor air quality is essential for a healthy living environment. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling offers solutions such as high-efficiency air filters and air purifiers to reduce pollutants and allergens in your home. Our HVAC experts can assess your indoor air quality needs and recommend the right products to ensure clean and fresh air throughout your property.

What sets Semper Fi Heating & Cooling apart from other HVAC companies?

Semper Fi Heating & Cooling stands out for our commitment to excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction. With years of experience serving the Mesa, Arizona, area, we have built a reputation for delivering top-notch HVAC services at competitive prices. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to keeping your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently, ensuring your comfort and peace of mind year-round.

How to Choose The Right AC Installation Service in Phoenix

TL;DR: To determine the the best AC installation service in Phoenix involves understanding your home’s needs, researching and comparing local services for their expertise. Consider customer reviews, seek recommendations from locals, verify licenses, and ensure they have experience with Phoenix’s unique climate.

Choosing the right air conditioning (AC) installation service in Phoenix is not just a matter of comfort; it’s a necessity. As temperatures soar well above 100 degrees in the summer, it’s essential to ensure it doesn’t fail during the long summer months. Regular maintenance

However, with so many options available, selecting the best service can feel overwhelming. This guide aims to simplify that process, offering clear, actionable advice to help you make an informed decision. From understanding your specific home cooling needs to navigating the complexities of energy efficiency, budget considerations, and the importance of selecting a licensed and experienced provider, we’ll cover everything you need to know. Our goal is to ensure that you can enjoy a cool and comfortable home in Phoenix’s heat, confident in the knowledge that you’ve chosen the best possible AC installation service for your needs.

Understanding Your AC Installation Needs in Phoenix

Before you begin the search for an AC installation service in Phoenix, it’s crucial to assess your home’s specific cooling requirements. This understanding will not only help you choose the most suitable AC unit but also ensure that the installation service can meet your expectations effectively.

Start by considering the size of your home, as the square footage directly influences the capacity of the AC unit you’ll need. An AC that’s too small won’t cool your home efficiently, while one that’s too large can lead to unnecessary energy consumption and uneven temperatures. The type of your home, whether it has multiple stories, its layout, the quality of insulation, and the number and size of windows, all play a role in determining the right AC system.

In Phoenix’s desert climate, opting for an energy-efficient AC model is a wise choice. Energy-efficient models are designed to use less electricity to produce the same cooling effect, which is not only good for the environment but also for your wallet. Look for units with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit. Although these models might have a higher upfront cost, the savings on your energy bills over time can be significant.

Establishing a budget for your AC installation is another critical step. Consider both the upfront cost of purchasing the unit and the long-term costs of operation and maintenance. Remember, investing in a high-quality, energy-efficient model can lead to greater savings down the line. Additionally, explore if there are any rebates or tax incentives available in Phoenix for installing energy-efficient AC systems.

Understanding your home’s specific needs, the importance of energy efficiency, and how to budget for your new AC system are foundational steps in the process. They not only ensure that you choose the right AC unit for your home but also that the installation service you select can adequately meet those needs. This preparation will serve as the groundwork for finding the best AC installation service in Phoenix, setting you up for a cooler, more comfortable home environment.

Researching Potential AC Installation Services

Once you have a clear understanding of your AC installation needs, the next step is to research potential services in Phoenix. This process is vital to finding a reliable provider that can deliver quality installation and ensure your AC system operates efficiently for years to come.

1. Start with Recommendations

Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool when it comes to selecting a service provider. Ask friends, family, and neighbors in Phoenix about their experiences with AC installation services. Personal recommendations can give you insight into the reliability, efficiency, and customer service of potential providers.

2. Check Online Reviews and Ratings

In today’s digital age, online reviews and ratings are invaluable resources for gauging a service provider’s reputation. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau offer transparent feedback from previous customers. Pay attention to comments about the quality of installation, timeliness, professionalism, and how the company handles post-installation service calls or issues.

3. Verify Licenses and Certifications

Ensuring that your AC installation service is licensed and certified is crucial. In Phoenix, AC technicians should be licensed with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, which ensures they meet specific qualifications and adhere to industry standards. Certifications from organizations like the North American Technician Excellence (NATE) indicate that technicians have received additional training and are proficient in the latest HVAC technologies.

4. Experience in Phoenix

The unique climate of Phoenix means your AC system needs to handle extreme heat efficiently. Look for a service provider with extensive experience in installing and maintaining systems in similar climates. They should be knowledgeable about the best types of units for the area and understand how to optimize them for energy efficiency and longevity.

By taking the time to thoroughly research potential AC installation services, considering personal recommendations, reading through online reviews, verifying licenses and certifications, and ensuring they have specific experience in Phoenix, you can narrow down your options to those most capable of meeting your needs. This careful selection process is essential to finding a service provider that will not only install your AC system correctly but also support its ongoing maintenance and efficiency.

Evaluating Technical Expertise and Customer Service

When selecting an AC installation service in Phoenix, assessing the technical expertise and customer service of potential providers is crucial. A provider with a solid foundation in the latest AC technologies and best practices ensures your system is installed efficiently and optimally.

Look for services that regularly train their technicians on the newest models and energy efficiency techniques. This knowledge is essential for installing a system that meets your cooling needs while minimizing energy costs. Additionally, certifications from reputable organizations can be a good indicator of a technician’s skill level and commitment to quality.

Customer service is equally important and often reflects the overall reliability and professionalism of the service provider. A company that prioritizes customer satisfaction will likely offer prompt, courteous service, and clear communication. Assess this by noting how the company responds to inquiries, addresses concerns, and follows up after service. Reviews and testimonials can provide insight into other customers’ experiences, highlighting the provider’s ability to deliver on promises and handle any issues that arise.

Understanding Pricing and Financing Options

Navigating the financial aspects of AC installation is a crucial step for Phoenix residents. Understanding pricing and exploring financing options can make the process more manageable, ensuring you receive the best value for your investment. Here’s how to approach this:

  • Get Detailed Quotes: These quotes should clearly itemize the costs of the unit itself, installation labor, any additional parts or services required, and potential future maintenance expenses. This transparency allows you to compare services effectively, ensuring you understand what you’re paying for and avoiding any hidden costs.
  • Compare Costs: With detailed quotes in hand, compare the costs against the services offered. Look beyond just the initial price; consider the unit’s energy efficiency, warranty terms, and the provider’s reputation for quality work. Sometimes, paying a bit more upfront for a higher-quality installation or a more efficient unit can save money in the long run through lower utility bills and fewer repair needs.
  • Financing Options: For many homeowners, the upfront cost of a new AC system can be daunting. Fortunately, many AC installation services offer financing options to spread out the expense over time. Additionally, local utilities or government programs may offer rebates or incentives for installing energy-efficient systems. Investigate these options early in the process to take full advantage of any available financial assistance or payment plans.
  • Warranties and Service Plans: Understanding the warranty that comes with your new AC unit and the installation service is vital. A solid warranty can provide peace of mind and protect your investment if any issues arise.

By thoroughly understanding pricing and financing options, you can make a well-informed decision that balances quality, efficiency, and affordability. This careful financial planning ensures that your new AC system meets your cooling needs without straining your budget.

Making the Final Decision For AC Installation Services in Phoenix

After thorough research and consideration, making the final decision on an AC installation service in Phoenix involves a careful evaluation of all the information you’ve gathered. This final step is crucial to ensure you select a service that best meets your needs and offers the best value.

While facts and figures are important, don’t underestimate the value of your intuition. Your interactions with each provider can give you a sense of their professionalism, reliability, and commitment to customer service. If something feels off, or if you have a strong positive feeling about a particular service, take that into account. This instinctual response can be a valuable guide in making your final choice.

Before making your final decision, ensure all details are confirmed. This includes the final quote, the installation timeline, warranty specifics, and any financing arrangements. Clear communication at this stage can prevent misunderstandings and ensure both you and the provider have a shared expectation of the process and outcome.

Professional AC Installation Company Near You

Selecting the right AC installation service in Phoenix is a critical decision that impacts not just the immediate comfort of your home but also its long-term energy efficiency and your financial well-being. Through this guide, we’ve navigated the essential steps to make this important choice, from understanding your specific needs and conducting thorough research on potential services to evaluating technical expertise, understanding pricing, and making the final decision.

Remember, the goal is to find a service that not only offers competitive pricing and expert installation but also demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and support long after the installation is complete.

For residents in Phoenix seeking unparalleled AC installation services, Semper Fi Heating & Cooling stands out as a premier choice. Semper Fi Heating & Cooling brings the reliability, expertise, and customer service that Phoenix homeowners deserve. Our team of certified professionals is equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to ensure your AC system is installed with precision, efficiency, and adherence to the highest safety standards. We understand the unique challenges of Phoenix’s climate and are dedicated to providing solutions that maximize comfort while minimizing energy costs. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home’s cooling needs are in the hands of trusted experts who are always ready to serve you.

Frequently Asked Questions About AC Installation Services in Phoenix

How do I know what size AC unit I need for my home?

The size of the AC unit you need depends on various factors including the square footage of your home, ceiling height, window size and type, insulation quality, and the overall climate in Phoenix. Professional AC services conduct a detailed assessment to calculate and recommend the appropriate size for your home.

Are energy-efficient AC models worth the investment in Phoenix?

Yes, energy-efficient AC models are particularly beneficial in Phoenix due to its hot climate. These models can significantly reduce your energy bills and are more environmentally friendly. Although they may have a higher upfront cost, the savings on utility bills usually offset this over time.

How long does an AC installation typically take in Phoenix?

The duration of an AC installation in Phoenix can vary depending on the complexity of the installation, the type of unit being installed, and the specific requirements of your home. Typically, a standard installation can take anywhere from 4 to 10 hours. However, if there are significant modifications needed, such as ductwork changes, it might take longer. Your service provider should be able to give you a more accurate timeline based on your specific situation.

Is Fall A Good Time To Upgrade Your AC Unit?

Upgrading one’s air conditioning system is a great way to ensure consistent and efficient performance throughout the summer months and can be beneficial if done in the fall. Here in Phoenix, we use our AC throughout the later fall months and ensuring your home’s HVAC is in good working condition is essential for all seasons!

Amidst the seasonal transition between summer and fall, there’s an often overlooked opportunity: upgrading your AC unit. The question that emerges, however, is whether fall is indeed a strategic time to make such a move. Timing, as they say, is everything, especially when it comes to significant investments in your home’s HVAC system.

There are many important considerations one should take into account before upgrading their HVAC system in the fall and numerous factors to consider when choosing the best AC unit. It is important to evaluate your home or business’s needs, as well as researching your options to make the best decision for you.

Whether you’re driven by potential savings, the benefits of new energy efficient technology, or the simple desire to be prepared, we’ve got insights to guide your decision.

Benefits Of Upgrading Your AC System In The Fall

The decision to upgrade any significant household appliance or system often comes with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. But when it comes to your AC unit, the timing can play a pivotal role in the overall experience and benefits you reap. Let’s explore the advantages of taking the leap during fall!

Upgrading your AC system in the fall can potentially be a wise decision, as it allows for the added benefit of preparing for the upcoming considerably warm winter months here in Phoenix and prepare to beat the rush and be ready for the next blazing summer months. In the fall, the weather is more temperate here in Arizona, which makes it an ideal time for AC system maintenance and upgrades.

During summer and winter, HVAC professionals are swamped with calls—be it for emergency repairs during a heatwave or furnace breakdowns when temperatures dip below freezing. In contrast, fall offers a lull. This off-peak season means your local HVAC Expert is ready to help you install your new AC System!

The lack of pressing summer heat allows homeowners to breathe, research, and make decisions without feeling rushed or being stuck in above 100 degree weather with no AC and dependent on the first available unit. By upgrading your AC system in the fall, you can avoid unexpected repair costs in the summer months when issues related to an aging or faulty AC system can occur and AC technicians can be hard to find during the busy summer months. Additionally, an upgraded AC system can provide a greater level of energy efficiency and cost savings during the summer.

Even though the external temperatures may still be warm during fall, you can still have your AC system upgraded. With an upgraded system, you can get an improved filtration system that increases the quality of air in the home and provides more effective cooling. You can also get more energy efficiency and cost savings on cooling expenses as modern AC systems include advanced technologies.

Upgrading your AC system in fall can ultimately be a great decision. By doing so, you can prevent unexpected repair bills in the peak summer season, as well as increase your energy efficiency and cost savings for cooling your home. Plus, the lifespan of the system is prolonged and your air quality is improved in the process. It is also easier to make maintenance and upgrades to the AC system in the fall than during summer when AC technicians may be occupied with emergency replacements.

In essence, the fall season presents a unique blend of opportunities for those contemplating an AC upgrade. While it might seem counterintuitive initially, the advantages listed above offer compelling reasons to consider this off-peak period for your next big HVAC investment.

Considerations Before Up Upgrading Your HVAC System In The Fall

Fall is the perfect time to begin thinking about upgrading your HVAC system. As the weather and temperature transitions from hot to more mild temperatures, upgrading your HVAC system can make the colder months of winter more comfortable and also save you money on energy costs. Here in Arizona, we use our AC all year round and when you turn on your heater, it may break the system.

Before beginning the process of upgrading your HVAC system, it is important to consider the various factors that will affect your decision. First, consider the goals of your upgrade and what you are hoping to achieve. Are you looking to provide more consistent heating and air conditioning throughout your home, or are you wanting to install a system that is more energy efficient? Airing on the side of energy efficiency is always a good option since it can result in lower energy bills, and newer models will have built-in features to help with this.

Next, think about the size of the system you will need. Certain HVAC systems will be too large for the space of your home, which could result in lower efficiency rates and costly repairs down the road. Make sure to get the right sized system for your home.

Additionally, find out what type of insulation you have in your home. If your home has poor insulation, a new, energy-efficient system might not be as efficient as you expect. Finally, you should find out how much a system will cost and research the different available options before making your decision.

If you are considering upgrading your HVAC system for the upcoming winter season, following these steps will help to make sure that the upgrade is the right fit for your home and for your budget.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC Unit

Deciding to upgrade your AC in the fall is just the first step. The next pivotal decision is selecting the right AC unit. With myriad models, features, and technical specifications flooding the market, making an informed choice can feel daunting. To help guide your decision, let’s explore key factors you should consider:

When selecting an air conditioning unit, there are several important factors to consider. Size is the main factor to bear in mind and the size of an AC unit doesn’t just refer to its physical dimensions, but its cooling capacity. An undersized unit will struggle to cool a room and an oversized one will be inefficient, wasting energy. Consulting with an HVAC professional to get a proper load calculation for your home can ensure you pick a unit with the right capacity.

The type of air conditioning unit should also be taken into account, as there are various types available and energy efficiency ratings. While AC units with higher SEER ratings might be pricier upfront, they can lead to significant savings in the long run due to reduced energy consumption.

You’ll also need to decide which features and controls are important for your AC System to have. Modern AC units come packed with features that enhance convenience and efficiency such as:

  • Smart Thermostats: These allow for remote control, scheduling, and even learning your habits to optimize heating and cooling.
  • Variable Speed Motors: These can adjust cooling output in small increments, enhancing comfort and efficiency.
  • Air Quality Additions: Some units come with built-in air purifiers or humidity control features.

In a world brimming with technological advancements, the choices are plenty. But the perfect AC unit isn’t necessarily the one with all the bells and whistles—it’s the one tailored to your home’s unique needs, ensuring comfort through every season. Whether it’s the size, efficiency, features, or warranty that tops your priority list, aligning your choice with your household’s requirements is the surest path to lasting satisfaction.

AC Installation In Phoenix, AZ

With the allure of off-peak advantages, potential financial savings, and the opportunity to prepare for the coming summer, the autumn months can be an opportune time to invest in your home’s comfort. Remember that the right time to upgrade isn’t just about seasons or sales—it’s about when you feel ready to enhance your home’s comfort, when your home needs the upgrade, and who you trust to guide you through that process.

If you’re based in the Phoenix area and contemplating this move, allow us to introduce a trusted partner for this journey: Semper Fi Heating & Cooling. A name synonymous with dedication, expertise, and unparalleled service, Semper Fi specializes in AC installations, ensuring that Phoenix residents aren’t just equipped with a new AC unit, but a tailored cooling solution optimized for their needs. Our team of seasoned professionals offers guidance at every step, from selecting the perfect unit to ensuring its efficient installation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of year to replace your HVAC System?

The best time of year to replace your HVAC system is typically in the spring or fall. It’s always best to install a new system if your current one is nearing the end of its lifespan to prevent costly repairs or emergency situations that are expensive and inconvenient.

Should I wait to replace my HVAC System?

The short answer is: It depends. If your HVAC system is experiencing frequent repairs or not cooling efficiently, then it may make sense to replace it now. Older systems may be costing you more energy and require more frequent repairs, so replacing it sooner rather than later may be beneficial. On the other hand, if your HVAC system is working properly, has regular maintenance, and is still efficiently cooling your home, then it may be more cost-effective to wait. Ultimately, it depends on your HVAC system and your specific needs.

Is It Cheaper to replace my AC Unit in the fall?

Since most AC units last 10 years, its best to consider replacing your AC unit when it no longer works efficiently, regardless of the season. Depending on where you live, replacing an AC unit in the fall may make more sense because that’s when the weather starts to cool down, offering less strain on the unit. However, professional HVAC technicians may have more availability during the fall and winter months, which can result in cost savings.

Should You Replace Both the Inside and Outside Parts of Your Air Conditioner at the Same Time?

Summer is winding down, and you may be hoping that your old air conditioner will keep working until cooler weather arrives. Even if your air conditioner is not cooling your home the way it should, waiting for cooler weather might work out, or it might not. One thing you can be certain of is that your air conditioner problems are not going to fix themselves over the winter. Waiting and hoping is not a good strategy.

Call the experts at Semper Fi Heating & Cooling to assess the problem. A minor repair might be all it takes to keep your air conditioner working well into the future. Fail to make the minor repair, and your air conditioner might not make it through the rest of summer and fall. The technicians will do everything they can to keep your system working, but sometimes replacement is more practical than repair. You may need to decide if an expensive repair on a system with significantly limited life expectancy is a good decision.

Inside, Outside, or Both

When you make the decision to replace your air conditioner, you have a second decision to make. The outside unit of your air conditioner, also called the condenser unit, is the most likely to be the first major repair to cause you to consider a replacement. The inside unit needs service and occasional repairs but generally is less expensive. If the compressor goes out on your outside unit, the cost of replacement is substantial. Should you replace the outside unit only or both inside and outside units?

Why You Should Consider Replacing Both

  1. Newer systems are more energy efficient. If you replace both units, you can expect that your new air conditioner will save you money through lower utility bills in the future.
  2. You will have a multi-year warranty on your new air conditioner. Your system will still need preventative maintenance and possibly some minor repairs, but the expensive parts will be covered by the warranty.
  3. Replacing both inside and outside units at once is significantly less expensive than replacing outside now and inside a few years in the future.
  4. Older air conditioners often contain older refrigerants, the kind that harm the atmosphere when released and possibly cause refrigerant poisoning if they leak. Newer refrigerants are better and significantly less harmful to the environment.
  5. If you replace both inside and outside units at the same time, all of the components of the system are sure to be compatible. If you replace the outside unit this year and the inside unit in five years, you may end up with a system that is not perfectly compatible. An incompatible system may not cool as well as it should and may cost more to operate.

The one or both decision is much like a decision you may have faced with your car. It is expensive to replace the engine, and if you do, you have a car with a great new engine but concern about other car parts breaking down. Replace both inside and outside, and you have a new car.

Call the experts at Semper Fi Heating & Cooling at 480-616-3636 and make an appointment to discuss the options for air conditioner replacement or repair.

Tired of Waking Up Tired?

Do you have trouble going to sleep and staying asleep? Do you feel tired when you wake up in the morning? Is poor sleep affecting your health? Your heating and cooling system could be preventing you from sleeping well.

Too Hot or Too Cold

Room temperature is a major factor in getting a good night’s sleep. A cooler room improves sleep quality and helps prevent waking up during the night. Your body temperature decreases at night, your metabolism slows, and you spend less energy while sleeping. A heating and cooling system that cannot adjust to the desired overnight temperature makes it difficult to get good and restful sleep.

Programmable or smart thermostats that automatically adjust to the desired nighttime temperature are a big help. We all remember nights when we are already in bed and do not want to get up to change the thermostat. Even with a proper thermostat setting, your system is not always able to get your bedroom to the desired temperature. Your HVAC system may need a tune-up, repair, or replacement to fix the problem.

An HVAC system that cannot deliver the proper temperature to your home is more than an inconvenience; it is a threat to the health of your family. Not enough sleep can influence your health, mood, and energy. Contact the technicians at Semper Fi Heating & Cooling if your HVAC system is not delivering the day or night room temperatures that you need.

Indoor Air Quality

Research has found that indoor air quality is as much as five times more polluted than outside air. Air filters are the No. 1 tool in the effort to keep home air clean. Use high-quality air filters and replace them often. You might want to also invest in an air purification system. Pollutants can be removed from the indoor air that you breathe. With cleaner air to breathe, you should feel better, be healthier, and be able to get a better night’s sleep.

System Noise

Your heating and cooling system will cycle off and on several times overnight. Loud noises from your system every time it starts and stops are likely to wake you up repeatedly. The good sleep that you need for good health is restful and uninterrupted sleep. Talk to the technicians at Semper Fi to find ways to reduce the noise level from your HVAC system.

Humidity Level

Humidity control is one of the often overlooked but important jobs of a heating and cooling system. Extreme dry air can cause dry skin, nosebleeds, and sore throats. Too much humidity allows germs to grow and cause respiratory problems. When you and your family are suffering from humidity-related illnesses, you will not be sleeping well.

Good sleep matters. A properly operating heating and cooling system will help you sleep better and wake up rested and full of energy. A properly tuned and properly operating system will help you sleep better. Get in touch with Semper Fi Heating & Cooling to get your HVAC system operating properly so you can get the sleep you need to wake up fresh and full of energy.

Seven Reason To Replace Rather Than Repair Your AC

It’s not a secret that air conditioning systems that are 15 years old are approaching their maximum lifespan. If your system is over 20 years old, you should not expect it to last much longer. Newer systems can be expected to have a longer lifespan than the older systems they are replacing. With regular preventative maintenance, newer systems should continue to keep you cool and comfortable for decades. Older systems are also no match for newer systems in terms of operational efficiency.

Is your system approaching or beyond the time that it needs to be replaced? Here are seven indicators that replacement may be the best option for your air conditioning system:

  1. Service History
    Has your air conditioner required expensive repairs over the past few years? If it has, you should expect repair expense to continue to increase in the future. Consider replacing it entirely. Furnaces generally last longer than air conditioners, but seriously consider replacing your furnace at the same time. Newer furnaces are more efficient, and you will save on utility costs. If you are replacing both the furnace and air conditioner at the same time, you should expect a better price than replacing them separately.
  2. Home Additions and Remodeling
    Have you added living space or made major renovations since your heating and air conditioning system was installed? Perhaps you are planning to make a new addition. Your system may not be properly sized for your home. Even without major renovations, you may have rooms that are not heating and cooling as well as they should. If your system is not sized properly for your home and it is more than 15 years old, it is definitely time to consider a replacement.
  3. Lack of Routine Maintenance
    Has your system had regular maintenance over the years? If not, arrange for a service check soon. Like the vehicle you drive, your system needs regular maintenance to keep it operating properly. Unlike the vehicle you drive, your heating and cooling system cycles off and on day and night almost every day of the year. Small problems can lead to bigger issues, and those system issues lead to total system failure. You really don’t want your system going down on a 98-degree heat alert day.
  4. Performance
    Is your system heating and cooling as it should? Is your home comfortable on the hottest days? Is it producing cold air as it should? How about the on/off cycles? Are they occurring more frequently than usual? Have your utility bills gone up more than expected? Your system should be cooling as well as it did immediately after it was installed. If it isn’t performing as it should, then maintenance is needed. Easy service repairs may not be enough. It may be time for a replacement.
  5. Moisture
    In addition to keeping your home cool, regulating indoor humidity is an important function of an air conditioner. If indoor humidity is high when it is dry outside, you may have evaporator coil problems. That may require a simple repair, or it may be a serious problem that would be better solved with a replacement.
  6. Noise and Ice
    Check the outside unit. Is it visibly frozen? Is it making loud grinding noises? What about the sound you hear inside? Has it become louder than usual? If it is noisy or icy, it needs attention quickly.
  7. Freon
    Some older air conditioners use R-22 refrigerant, sometimes known as Freon. R-22 is no longer produced in the United States. It is still available in limited quantities, but it is very expensive. If your air conditioner requires R-22, it may be best to replace the entire system instead of paying for repairs and R-22 refrigerant.

Financing Your New Heating & Air Conditioning System

Home heating and air conditioning systems work hard; they work around the clock for most of the year in most locations. Over several years, systems become too expensive to repair; the best option may be to replace an aging system. Air conditioners tend to wear out before furnaces. Good ongoing maintenance can add years of life to both heating and air conditioning systems, but eventually, both need to be replaced.

Obstacles to Maintaining HVAC Systems

A major obstacle to the purchase and installation of a replacement system is the cost. New systems aren’t cheap, but there is also a cost to not replacing a system that is approaching its life expectancy. Repairs mount up over the years. Compressors in air conditioners and heating units in furnaces are like engines and transmissions in vehicles. They can be repaired and replaced at a high cost, but after getting them repaired you still have an older vehicle with a high operating cost at risk of breakdowns.

Fortunately, most heating and cooling companies offer discounts, rebates, and monthly payment financing plans. About half of utility costs in most homes goes toward the operation of the heating and cooling system. With a new energy-efficient system, you can usually save money on utilities every month to partially offset the monthly finance payments.

If the repair costs are starting to add up for your heating and air conditioning system, it is time to talk to Semper Fi about your options for repair, replacement, and financing a new AC or heating unit. Semper Fi can guide you through the options to help you choose the best brand and the best price with the most advantageous financing plan.

When to Replace Your Current HVAC Units

Home comfort is another big reason you may want to consider the replacement of your existing system. If there are rooms in your home that aren’t properly heated and cooled, installation of a properly-sized new system can address this.

Be wary of any company that gives you a price quote without visiting and calculating the size requirements.

Don’t assume that the size of your existing system is the proper size for a new system. You may be experiencing inconsistent home temperatures because your current system is too small, or you may be paying too much for utilities because your system is larger than needed.

Financing is never a one-size-fits-all experience. Look for a finance company with an affiliation with your heating and air conditioning company. Some of the features you should look for include:

    1. Simple application process
    1. Affordable monthly payments
    1. The ability to pay and manage your account online
    1. No penalty for paying early

If time allows, schedule your replacement when your provider is offering a promotional discount. Always check for the availability of rebates and other discount programs. Semper Fi can help you compare the cost of a new system with the energy savings that you can expect to receive over the life of your replacement system. In many cases, a major portion of the initial cost will be recovered by energy savings over the life of the new system.

Seven Steps to Finding the Best Heating & Air Conditioning Company

Your HVAC system is one of the most expensive and important mechanical systems in your home. With proper care and preventive maintenance, your system will continue to operate at the performance level for which it was designed. If not properly maintained, your utility costs will increase, frequent breakdowns will occur, and all or part of the system will need to be replaced sooner than you expect. You can change the filter and adjust the thermostat, but professional help is needed to keep your system operating efficiently and not requiring early replacement. Finding an HVAC company that is reliable, totally professional, and there when you need it the most is not an easy task. Following are some tips to help you pick the right company for your home.

  • Check online reviews. Don’t just review the star rating; read some reviews to see what customers think of the company and the quality of the services provided. There may be a few less-than-five-star reviews; consider the entire group of reviews to get a feel for the values and quality of the company. Talk to your neighbors and friends to get a sense of the best companies.
  • Did they respond promptly and professionally to your service inquiry? Do they offer 24-hour emergency service? Do they have adequate staff to respond to your needs? The service technicians should be experienced, well trained, and certified.
  • Are they willing to come to your house and truly examine your system before providing a price quote for the needed repairs? Is the price quoted the price billed with no add-ons? Be wary of companies that give over-the-phone pricing without pre-inspection.
  • Do they offer alternatives to fix your system? Do they help you understand which alternative is the best option for you? A good service technician should be able to explain the problem without confusing you with technical jargon.
  • What guarantees or warranties do they offer? Do they offer a service agreement? How much does it cost and what does it cover?
  • Ask about the brands of replacement systems they sell. Ask about why they sell the brands they offer. Do they sell the least-expensive brands, the most-expensive brands, or the brands that offer the best quality for the money?
  • Do your own investigation. Do you commonly see their trucks in your neighborhood or on the highways? Drive by or visit their shop. Does it look clean and professional? Do they belong to trade associations? Visit their website. Does the website look clean and professional?

Most importantly, make sure the company truly cares about your business. True professionals care about your home because they care about you and your future business. They also want your good reviews and friend referrals. Most of all, true professionals care about you because they are proud of the quality of the work they provide. Pick a company that can assure you that you matter to them.

Call Semper Fi if you are looking for a heating and air conditioning company.